Machine Setup for an Ubuntu VM

Though a lot of the stuff in the middle is the same for any OS.

    🔗Virtual Machine Setup

  1. Download Ubuntu.iso from
  2. Download Oracle VM Virtual Box -
  3. Install Virtual Box
  4. Install Extensions for it
  5. Create a new virtual machine
  6. Right-Click > Settings
  7. Start up VM
  8. Install Ubuntu
  9. 🔗Setting up your OS

  10. Install updates, reboot, install updates, reboot, etc.
  11. In the Virtual box menu > Devices > "Insert Guest Additions CD image..."
  12. Install Virtual Box stuff and reboot when done. Eject fake disc if it's still in there.
  13. Back in Ubuntu > System Settings > Brightness & Lock > Never | Off | uncheck require pw
  14. Change desktop background if you want by Right-clicking it
  15. Open Firefox, adjust all the browser settings to your liking.
  16. 🔗Uninstall Software

  17. Start button at top of dock > Applications button at bottom of screen > Installed (See X more results) > Right-click on a program to uninstall
  18. 🔗Install Software

  19. - download the .deb file and run it. It will open the Software Center. Click Install. Open it and lock to dock.
  20. Any other browser you want, like Chromium or Opera, or just stick with Firefox
  21. 🔗Set up Dev environment

  22. Open up terminal and run the following:
    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
    3. sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
    4. sudo apt-get install -y build-essentials
    5. sudo apt-get install git
    6. sudo apt-get install curl
    7. sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4
    8. curl -o- | bash
    9. nvm install
  23. If you are on Debian, open the root terminal and run this instead:
    1. sudo apt-get install curl
    2. curl -sL | bash -
    3. apt-get install -y nodejs
  24. - Scroll down and find the Debian package > Download and Install SmartGit
  25. Open Files > Computer > Home > drag your user folder into sublime text after opening it to create a sidebar.
  26. Create a GitHub folder in your user folder (mkdir ~/GitHub)
  27. In ST3 open ~/.bashrc and add this at the bottom and save:
  28.     alias dir='ls'
        alias explorer='nautilus'
        alias cd..='cd ..'
        alias cls='clear'
        alias csl='clear'
        alias home='cd ~/GitHub
  29. Open SmartGit
  30. 🔗Customize Sublime

  31. Open Sublime Text
  32.  {
         "class": "icon_file_type",
         "content_margin": [0,0]
         "class": "icon_folder",
         "content_margin": [0,0]
         "class": "icon_folder_loading",
         "content_margin": [0,0]
  33. Press CTRL + SHIFT + F in the "Where:" section, use one of the following:
  34. Menu > Preferences > Settings
  35. {
        "caret_extra_top": 0,
        "caret_extra_bottom": 1,
        "caret_extra_width": 1,
        "caret_style": "smooth",
        "color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.sublime-color-scheme",
        "folder_exclude_patterns": [
        "font_options": [
        "font_size": 10,
        "ignored_packages": [
        "index_exclude_patterns": [
        "show_definitions": false,
        "show_git_status": false,
        "theme": "Legacy.sublime-theme"
  36. Preferences > Key Bindings
  37. [
            "keys": ["ctrl+tab"],
            "command": "next_view"
            "keys": ["ctrl+shift+tab"],
            "command": "prev_view"
  38. CTRL + Shift + P > PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource > Color Scheme - Default > Monokai.sublime-color-scheme >
  39.     "globals":
            "line_diff_added": "var(yellow5)",
            "line_diff_deleted": "var(yellow5)",
            "line_diff_modified": "var(yellow5)",
            "line_diff_width": "var(yellow5)"


  40. Remove junk from sidebar (Libre Office, Amazon, etc.) and add stuff to it. Here's what you should have:
  41. Start > Search: "CompizConfig Settings Manager"
  42. Open Files > Home > CTRL + H (unhide files)

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